颁布单位:[University of Pretoria] |
颁布时间:2008 |
实施时间:2008 |
学科分类:[["UCTD",, "Indigenous, minorities",, "Niger, Delta, legal, protection",, "United, Nations, Declaration, on, the, Rights, of, Indigenous, People",, "Human, rights, --, Nigeria",, "Indigenous, peoples, --, Nigeria"]]
颁布单位:[University of Pretoria] |
颁布时间:2008 |
实施时间:2008 |
学科分类:[["UCTD",, "Batwa, children",, "Indigineous, people",, "Right, to, education, Uganda",, "United, Nations, Declaration, on, the, Rights, of, Indigenous, Peoples",, "Childrens, rights, --, Uganda",, "Right, to, education, --, Uganda"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2005 |
实施时间:2005 |
学科分类:[["Doha, Declaration, on, the, TRIPs, Agreement, and, Public, Health, (2001)",, "Pharmaceutical, industry, --, Economic, aspects, --, South, Africa",, "Health, services, accessibility, --, South, Africa., --, Citizen, participation",, "Generic, drugs, --, Economic, aspects, --, South, Africa., --, Citizen, participation",, "International, relations",, "Global, advocacy, networks",, "Dissertations, --, Political, science",, "Theses, --, Political, science"]]
颁布单位:[University of Iowa] |
颁布时间: |
实施时间:2017 |
学科分类:[Commission, on, the, Status, of, Women,, feminism,, human, rights,, United, Nations,, Universal, Declaration, of, Human, Rights,, women's, activism]