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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Students, --, South, Africa, --, Language","Language, acquisition","Academic, achievement, --, Students, --, South, Africa","Literacy, programs, --, South, Africa","Second, language, acquisition","Education,, Higher, --, South, Africa","Tertiary, language, development","First-year, literacy, course","Academic, literacy","Dissertation, (M.A., (English))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.A., (Centre, for, Africa, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Sotho, (African, people), --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","Sotho, (African, people), --, South, Africa, --, Free, State, --, Rites, and, ceremonies","Sotho, (African, people), --, Social, life, and, customs"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Women","Truth, and, Reconciliation, Commission","Human, rights, violations","Special, hearings, for, women","Dissertation, (M.A., (History))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2017"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.A., (Geography))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Geomorphology, --, South, Africa, --, Florisbad","Sedimentation, and, deposition, --, South, Africa, --, Florisbad","Sedimentary, basins, --, South, Africa, --, Florisbad"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Apostolic, Faith, Mission, of, South, Africa","Preaching","Narration, (Rhetoric)","Rhetoric, --, Religious, aspects, --, Christianity","Discourse, analysis,, Narrative","Narrative, story, elements","Narrative, style, elements","Overt, observation","Content, analysis","Apostolic, Faith, Mission","Religious, communication","Rhetoric","Rhetorical, strategy","Narrative, communication","Dissertation, (M.A., (Communication, Science))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Contemporary, organisation","Systems, theory","Grounded, theory","Respondent, validation","Learning, organisation","Change, management, communication","Leadership, communication","Women, college, students, --, South, Africa, --, Bloemfontein","Universities, and, colleges, --, South, Africa, --, Bloemfontein, --, Communication, systems","College, integration, --, South, Africa, --, Bloemfontein","University, of, the, Free, State","Dissertation, (M.A., (Communication, Science))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Advertisements","Black, South, African, women","Critical, Theory","Feminism","Ideology","Semiotics","Socio-economic, status","Women, empowerment","Women, in, advertising, --, South, Africa","Women,, Black, --, South, Africa, --, Economic, conditions","Women,, Black, --, South, Africa, --, Social, conditions","Advertising, --, South, Africa","Feminism, --, South, Africa","Identity, (Psychology), in, mass, media","Critical, theory","Thesis, (M.A., (Communication, Science))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Greek, literature,, Hellenistic","Greek, language,, Biblical, --, Study, and, teaching","Validation","Taxonomy, of, significant, learning","Action, plan","Fink's, taxonomy","Teaching, and, learning","Innovative, teaching","Process, planning","Educational, action, research","South, Africa","Higher, education","New, Testament, Greek","Koiné, Greek","Dissertation, (M.A., (Higher, Education, Studies, and, Classical, and, Near, Eastern, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Reception, theory","Development, of, the, South, African, theatre","Afrikaans, arts, festivals","Nagtegaal, prize","Dramatext","Dramatext, competitions","History, of, literature","Drama, structure","Campus, theatre","Arts, councils","Theater, --, South, Africa, --, History","Afrikaans, drama, --, Competitions","Afrikaans, drama, --, History, and, criticism","Art, festivals, --, South, Africa","Literature, --, History, and, criticism","Dissertation, (M.A., (Drama, and, Theatre, Arts))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Rowling,, J., K., --, Criticism, and, interpretation","Teenagers, --, Books, and, reading","Imagination","Narration, (Rhetoric), --, Psychological, aspects","Magic, --, Fiction","Moral, education","Dissertation, (M.A., (English))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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