颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2018 |
实施时间:2018 |
学科分类:[["Nutrition","Intensive, care, units","Oral, medicine","Nurses, --, South, Africa, --, Gauteng","Dissertation, (M.D., (Nutrition, and, Dietetics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2018"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2018 |
实施时间:2018 |
学科分类:[["Democracy","South, Africa, --, Politics, and, government, --, 1994","Corruption, investigation, --, South, Africa","Unemployment","Inequalities","Poverty","South, Africa, --, Politics","Dissertation, (M.D., (Governance, and, Political, Transformation))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2018"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2018 |
实施时间:2018 |
学科分类:[["Municipal, improvements","City, council, members, --, South, Africa","Municipal, government","Community, development, --, Free, State","Committees, --, South, Africa--, Free, State","Dissertation, (M.A., (Governance, and, Political, Transformation))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2018"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2018 |
实施时间:2018 |
学科分类:[["Groundwater, --, South, Africa, --, Vaalharts","Aquifers","Irrigation, water","Irrigation, --, South, Africa, --, Vaalharts","Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Institute, for, Groundwater, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2018"]]