颁布单位:[University of Alberta] |
颁布时间:2014 |
实施时间:2014 |
学科分类:[Outflows, in, X-ray, Binaries, Accretion, physics, Galactic, x-ray, binary, population, Disc, instability, model, Black, hole, candidate, Accretion, disc, Supermassive, black, hole, X-ray, astronomy, Outburst, history, Black, hole, x-ray, binary, X-ray, emission, High, energy, astrophysics, Spectral, evolution, of, x-ray, binaries, X-ray, binary, Transient, x-ray, binary, Accretion, state, Binary, evolution, Mass, accretion, history, Black, hole, accretion, Stellar, mass, black, hole, X-ray, binary, quiescence, Radiatively, inefficient, accretion, flow, Radio, astronomy, X-ray, binary, outburst, Black, holes, Binary, mass, transfer, Optical, astronomy]
颁布单位:[the University of Pittsburgh] |
颁布时间:2014 |
实施时间:2014 |
学科分类:[The, High, Line,, suburban, space,, public, space,, urban, nature,, Jane, Jacobs,, New, York, City,, gentrification,, history]