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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2017 |  实施时间:2017 |  学科分类:[["South, Africa","English, second-language, performance","Literacy, skills","Extrinsic, factors","Self-concept, and, motivation","English, language, --, Study, and, teaching, --, Secondary, --, South, Africa, --, Northern, Cape","English, language, --, Study, and, teaching, --, Foreign, speakers","Dissertation, (M.Ed., (Psychology, of, Education))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2017"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2015 |  实施时间:2015 |  学科分类:[["Sesotho, language","Sesotho, language, --, Grammar","Sesotho, language, --, Morphology","Dissertation, (M.A., (African, Languages))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015","Morphophonemics"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2015 |  实施时间:2015 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.A., (Hebrew))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015","Grammar,, Comparative, and, general","Hebrew, language, --, Grammar"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Language-in-education, policy","Language-in-education, planning","Language, management","Language, management, approach","Mother, tongue, education","Mother, tongue, based, multilingual, education","Bottom-up, approaches","Top-down, approaches","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Linguistics, and, Language, Practice))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2013","Native, language, and, education, --, Zimbabwe","Language, policy, --, Zimbabwe","Language, planning, --, Zimbabwe"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2012 |  实施时间:2012 |  学科分类:[["Action, research","Action, research, cycles","Action, research, spiral, cycles","Assessment, standards","Facilitation","Facilitative, role","Guidelines","Outcomes","Reading","Reading, approaches","Reading, programmes","Reading, skills","Reading, strategies","Sesotho, Home, Language","Sotho, language, --, Study, and, teaching","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Curriculum, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2012"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2012 |  实施时间:2012 |  学科分类:[["Positive, language, planning","Negative, language, planning","Mother, tongue, education","Language, rights","Language, rights, activism","Language, policy","Language, in, education","Language, activism","Language, democracy","Democratic, education, dispensation","Native, language, and, education, --, South, Africa","Language, policy, --, South, Africa","Linguistic, rights, --, South, Africa","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Linguistics, and, Language, Practice))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2012"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2012 |  实施时间:2012 |  学科分类:[["Education","Kopanong","Language, in, education","Language, planning","Language, policy","Language, management","Mother, tongue","Xhariep","Native, language, and, eduation, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","Language, policy, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","Dissertation, (M.A., (Linguistics, and, Language, Practice))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2012"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2012 |  实施时间:2012 |  学科分类:[["English, language, --, Rhetoric","Applied, linguistics","Language, and, Languages, --, Testing","Validity","Validation","Reliability","Postgraduate, literacy","Language, testing","Design, principles","Construct, validity","Consequential, validity","Applied, linguistics","Academic, literacy","Dissertation, (M.A., (English))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2012"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Students, --, South, Africa, --, Language","Language, acquisition","Academic, achievement, --, Students, --, South, Africa","Literacy, programs, --, South, Africa","Second, language, acquisition","Education,, Higher, --, South, Africa","Tertiary, language, development","First-year, literacy, course","Academic, literacy","Dissertation, (M.A., (English))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2010 |  实施时间:2010 |  学科分类:[["English, language, --, Discourse, analysis","English, language, --, Study, and, teaching, (Higher)","Foreign, speakers","Second, language, acquisition","Dissertation, (M.A., (English)), University, of, the, Orange, Free, State,, 1997"]]
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