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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Wind, turbines, --, Design, and, construction",, "Life, cycle, cost",, "Wind, Turbine, --, Maintemance, and, repair",, "Genetic, algorithms",, "Dissertations, --, Civil, engineering",, "Theses, --, Civil, engineering"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Dams, --, South, Africa",, "Department, of, Water, Affairs, (DWA)",, "Dam, safety",, "Dam, rehabilitation",, "Dissertations, --, Civil, engineering",, "Theses, --, Civil, engineering",, "Dam, failures",, "Dams, --, Safety, measures",, "Dams, --, Maintenance, and, repair"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Spiritual, life, --, Christianity",, "Children, --, Religious, aspects, --, Christianity",, "Child, development",, "Dissertations, --, Practical, Theology, and, Missiology",, "Theses, --, Practical, Theology, and, Missiology",, "Dissertations, --, Theology",, "Theses, --, Theology"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Optimisation",, "Surrogate, modelling",, "Sinuous, feed",, "Wideband, antenna",, "Broadband, communication, systems",, "Antennas,, Reflector",, "Dissertations, --, Electrical, and, electronic, engineering",, "Theses, --, Electrical, and, electronic, engineering"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.Soc.Sc., (Nursing)--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2013","Work, environment","Nurses, --, Employment, --, South, Africa, --, Bloemfontein","Private, hospital","Nominal, group, techique","Professional, nurses","Rate, of, turnover","Nursing, management","Maslow's, hierarchical, needs, theory","Positive, and, negative, work, environment","Strategies, for, the, improvement, of, the, work, environment"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Further, Education, and, Training, (FET)",, "National, Curriculum, Statement, (NCS)",, "Physical, science, teachers, --Attitudes",, "Educational, change, --, South, Africa",, "Continuing, education, --, South, Africa",, "Theses, --, Education",, "Dissertations, --, Education",, "Theses, --, Curriculum, studies",, "Dissertations, --, Curriculum, studies",, "Curriculum, Studies"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph.D., (Nutrition, and, Dietetics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2013","AIDS, (Disease), --, Nutritional, aspects, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","HIV, infections, --, Nutritional, aspects, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","Quality, of, life"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.Sports.Med., (Sports, Medicine))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2013","Brain, --, Concussion","Rubgy, football, --, Wounds, and, injuries, --, South, Africa, --, North, West","Sport, injuries"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.Soc.Sc., (Nursing))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2013","Nursing, --, Study, and, teaching, (Higher), --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","Nursing, students, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State, --, Social, conditions","Academic, achievement, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State","College, student, orientation","Nursing, students, --, Recruiting, --, South, Africa, --, Free, State"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |  颁布时间:2013 |  实施时间:2013 |  学科分类:[["Ophthalmoscopes",, "Image, processing, --, Digital, techniques",, "Fundus, oculi",, "Photographic, stitching",, "Dissertations, --, Electrical, and, electronic, engineering",, "Theses, --, Electrical, and, electronic, engineering"]]
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