颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Definitions, Notes, Memphis, Te]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Save, History, Resistance, Speech, American Institute Of Industrial Engineers, (Aiie), Save, New York, Ny]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
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学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Promotion, Pamphlet, American Institute Of Industrial Engineers, Southern Tier Chapter]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Development, Management, Notes, Sheraton Company, Boston, Ma]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间:1964 |
学科分类:[["Career, choice",, "Theses, --, Sociology",, "Dissertations, --, Sociology",, "Professions",, "Occupations"]]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Development, Notes, Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, Il]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Development, Notes, Indiana Power Company]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Management, Notes, Republic Steel Management, Cleveland, Oh]
颁布单位: |
颁布时间:1964 |
实施时间: |
学科分类:[Value Analysis (Cost Control), Economic Engineering, Ideas, Notes, National Association Of Purchasing Agents (Napa), Louisville, Ky]