颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2016 |
实施时间:2016 |
学科分类:[["Inkatha","Buthelezi","Homelands","Apartheid","National, Party","P., W., Botha","Chris, Heunis","Reform","Negotiation","Armed, struggle","Edmund, Burke","Mandela","Inkatha, (Organization)--South, Africa","South, Africa--Politics, and, governement--1948-1994","Political, Parties--South, Africa","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Centre, for, Africa, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2016"]]
颁布单位:[University of Alberta] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[Galicia, Ukrainian, victimization, narrative, Galician, Western, Ukraine, UIA, Liberation, Movement, Memory, Prison, on, Lonts'koho, Waffen, SS, Galician, UPA, Ukrainian, diaspora, Ukrainian, Nationalist, narrative, Prison, on, Lontsky, Street, Ukrainian, nationalism, Lviv, Museum, of, General-Lieutenant, of, the, UPA, Organization, of, Ukrainian, Nationalists, Museum, of, Ukraine's, Liberation, Struggle, Shukhevych, Museum, Myth, making, Auxiliary, police, Lontsky, Street, Prison, Collaboration, Liberation, Struggle, Stepan, Bandera, Radical, nationalism, Second, World, War, The, Struggle, of, the, Ukrainians, for, Liberation, and, Independence, Lviv, Historical, Museum, Interwar, Prison, Museum, Independent, Ukraine, Holocaust, Ukrainian, Insurgent, Army, Myth-making, Ethnic, cleansing, Lonts'kyi, Street, Prison, Roman, Shukhevych, Ukraine, OUN, Wartime, Ukraine, World, War, II]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Outdoor, advertising, control, practices","Land, use, control, procedures","Third, party, advertising","On-premises, advertising","Administrative, approval, results","Primary, reason, for, non-approval","Outdoor, advertising, control, areas","Mangaung, Metro, Municipality, Outdoor, advertising, Policy, and, Bylaw","South, African, Manual, for, Outdoor, Advertising, Control","Dissertation, (M.U.R.P., (Urban, and, Regional, Planning))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph.D., (Health, Professions, Education))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2014","Medical, students, --, Study, and, teaching","Radiography","Framework, for, SL","Mixed-methods, research, design","Service-Learning, (SL)"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Coal, mines, and, mining--Environmental, aspects--South, Africa--Waterberg","Coalfields--South, Africa--Waterberg","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Institute, for, Groundwater, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Better, Schools, Programme, of, Zimbabwe, (BSPZ)","School, clusters","Instructional, leadership","Distributed, leadership","Artefacts, for, leadership","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Education))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015","School, improvement, programs, --, Zimbabwe","School, management, and, organization, --, Zimbabwe"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Capital","Complex, ores","Kopje","Labour","Profit","Production","Revaluation","Shareholders","Taxes","Treatment, plant","Mineral, industry, --, Zambia, --, History","Mines, and, mineral, resources, --, Zambia, --, History","Broken, Hill, mine, (Kabwe)","Dissertation, (M.A., (Centre, for, Africa, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Curriculum, delivery","Lesotho","Opportunities, to, learn","Natural, sciences","Education, for, all","Science, --, Study, and, teaching, (Secondary)","Science, --, Curricula, --, Lesotho","Dissertation, (M.Ed., (Curriculum, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["SADF-conscript, generation, identity, crisis","Quest, for, healing, and, closure","Total, onslaught, and, communism","SWA/Namibia, bush, war","'Boetman', debate","TRC, and, SADF","FW, de, Klerk, and, the, 'night, of, the, generals'","Tempe, shooting, incident","New, South, Africa","Future","Reconciliation","Spiritual, process, as, model, for, healing","Apartheid, --, South, Africa","Reconciliation, --, South, Africa","South, Africa, --, Armed, Forces","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Missiology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2015 |
实施时间:2015 |
学科分类:[["Disaster","Flood","Hazard","Preparedness","Resilience","Vulnerability","Pressure, and, release, model","Livelihood","Luhonono","Namibia","Dissertation, (M.Disaster, Management, (Disaster, Management, Training, and, Education, Centre, for, Africa))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2015"]]