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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Sunflowers, --, South, Africa, --, Genetics","Common, sunflower, --, South, Africa","Dissertation, (M.Sc.Agric., (Plant, Sciences:, Plant, Breeding))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Combustion, method","Rare, earth, ions","Long, after, glow","Thermoluminescence","Photoluminescence","Alkaline, earth, aluminates","Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Physics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Scanning, electron, microscopy","Alkaline, earth, compounds, --, Synthesis","Self-propagating, high-temperature, synthesis"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Institute, for, Groundwater, Studies)--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Hazardous, wastes","Waste, disposal, in, the, ground","Water, --, Pollution","Aquifers","Landfill, classification","Landfill, liner, design","Mass, transport, modelling","Minimum, requirement, documents","MODFLOW","Waste, characterization, and, classification","Water, balance"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Master's, students","Phenomenology","Positive, psychology","Psychological, well-being","Professional, training, in, psychology","Psychology, --, Research, --, Methodology","Phenomenological, psychology","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Psychology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Interpretative, phenomenological, analysis"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Carrots, --, Breeding","Carrots, --, Yields","Carrots, --, Quality","Carrots, --, Effect, of, temperature, on","Free, choice, profiling","Sensory, analysis","Carotene","Terpene","TSS","Firmness","Defects","Root, diameter","Root, length","Root, fresh, mass","Yield","Leaf, dry, mass","Leaf, number","Plant, height","Leaf, fresh, mass","Dissertation, (M.Sc.Agric., (Soil,, Crop, and, Climate, Sciences))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Potato, industry, --, South, Africa","Potatoes, --, Prices, --, South, Africa","Potatoes, --, South, Africa, --, Marketing","Potatoes, --, South, Africa, --, Marketing","Purchasing, power, parity","Markets, --, South, Africa","Arbitrage","TVECM","Vector, Autoregressive, Models","Asymmetry","Non-linearity","Transaction, Costs","Cointegration","Market, Integration","Law, of, One, Price, (LOP)","Markets","Prices","Dissertation, (M.Sc.Agric., (Agricultural, Economics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Milk, --, Microbiology","Food, spoilage","Bacterial, growth","Proteolytic, enzymes","Pseudomonas, fluorescens","Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Microbial,, Biochemical, and, Food, Biotechnology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Thermoluminescence","Electron, trapping, centers","Cathodoluminescence","Photoluminescence","Charge, compensation","Solid, State, reaction","Intervalence, charge, transfer","Phosphors","Luminescence","Anger, electron, spectroscopy","Phosphorescence","Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Physics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Electron, trapping, centers"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Missions","Theology,, Practical","Evangelistic, work","Witness, bearing, (Christianity)","Jesus, Christ, --, Evangelistic, methods","Religion, in, the, workplace","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Missiology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
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  • 颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |  颁布时间:2011 |  实施时间:2011 |  学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph., D., (Classical, and, Near, Eastern, Studies))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Bible., O.T., Apocrypha., Ecclesiasticus","Education, --, Israel,, Ancient","Cognitive, grammar","Hebrew, language,, Biblical","Ben, Sira","Prototype, theory","Semantic, analysis","Lexical, studies","Cognitive, linguistics","Biblical, Hebrew","Old, Testament","Teaching","Education"]]
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