颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Women, in, higher, education, --, South, Africa","Gender, identity, in, education","Discrimination, in, higher, education, --, South, Africa","Women, college, administrators, --, Selection, and, appointment, --, South, Africa","Educational, leadership","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Comparative, Education, and, Education, Management))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2004"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.A., (Counselling, Psychology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2004","Bullying, in, schools, --, South, Africa, --, Psychological, aspects","School, violence","Aggressiveness, in, children","Single, sex, schools","English, medium","Self-report, measure","Revised, Olweus, Bully/Victim, Questionnaire, (R-OBVQ)","Intermediate, school, phase","Gender","Ethnicity","Chi-square, test","Nature, and, prevalence, of, school, bullying"]]
颁布单位:[University of Pretoria] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Kommunikasie",, "Rituals",, "Die, krisis, in, die, kerk",, "Teenagers",, "Simbole",, "Symbols",, "A, model, for, teenage, and, family, ministry",, "Gesin",, "Practical, theology",, "The, crisis, in, the, church",, "Communication",, "Kultuur",, "Family",, "Culture",, "Rituele",, "Gemeenskapsgerigtheid",, "Praktiese, teologie",, "Community-directed",, "'n, model, vir, tiener-, en, gesinsbedieninng",, "Tieners",, "UCTD"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Wilde,, Oscar,, 1854-1900, --, Criticism, and, interpretation",, "Joyce,, James,, 1882-1941, --, Criticism, and, interpretation",, "Stoppard,, Tom, --, Criticism, and, interpretation",, "Parody, in, literature",, "Wit, and, humor, --, History, and, criticism",, "Dissertations, --, English, literature",, "Theses, --, English, literature"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["AIDS, (Disease), --, Patients, --, Counseling, of, --, Lesotho, --, Case, studies",, "AIDS, (Disease), in, women, --, Lesotho, --, Psychological",, "AIDS, (Disease), --, Patients, --, Lesotho, --, Attitudes",, "AIDS, (Disease), in, women, --, Moral, and, ethical, aspects, --, Lesotho",, "Dissertations, --, Sociology"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Children, of, divorced, parents, --, Counseling, of",, "Children, of, divorced, parents, --, Psychology",, "Teacher, participation, in, educational, counseling",, "Teachers, and, community",, "Dissertations, --, Education",, "Psychological, support",, "Teachers,, Role, of"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Cape, Times",, "Mass, media, --, Moral, and, ethical, aspects, --, South, Africa, --, Case, studies",, "Sensationalism, in, journalism, --, South, Africa, --, Case, studies",, "Tabloid, newspapers, --, South, Africa, --, Case, studies",, "Journalism, --, Moral, and, ethical, aspects, --, Case, studies",, "Dissertations, --, Journalism"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Mainstreaming, in, education, --, Great, Britain, --, London",, "Inclusive, education, --, Great, Britain, --, London",, "Children, with, disabilities, --, Education",, "Dissertations, --, Education",, "South, African, Inclusive, Education, and, training, Policy",, "Learning, Support, Unit",, "Theses, --, Education"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Vera,, Yvonne, --, Criticism, and, interpretation",, "Landscapes, in, literature",, "Women, in, literature",, "Feminism, and, literature",, "Dissertations, --, English, literature"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2004 |
实施时间:2004 |
学科分类:[["Knowledge,, Theory, of",, "Complexity, (Philosophy)",, "Postmodernism",, "Chaotic, behavior, in, systems",, "Knowledge, and, learning"]]