颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Meat, industry, and, trade, --, South, Africa","Meat, industry, and, trade, --, Economic, aspects, --, South, Africa","Thesis, (Ph.D., (Agricultural, Economics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph.D., (Missiology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Himba, (African, people), --, Missions, --, Namibia","Church, work, with, nomads, --, Namibia","Missions, --, Namibia","Christianity, and, culture, --, Namibia","Evangelistic, work, --, Methodology","Worldview, transformation","Oral, Bible","Mission, communication","Incarnational, ministry","Evangelism","Christian, mission"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Boer, goats, --, Effect, of, drugs, on","Boer, goats, --, Breeding","Boer, goats, --, Nutrition","Anabolic, steroids, in, animal, nutrition","Dissertation, (M.Sc.Agric., (Animal,, Wildlife, and, Grassland, Sciences))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph.D., (Community, Health))-University, of, the, Free, State","Employee, assistance, programs, --, Health, and, safety","Health, promotion","Health, services, administration","Delphi, survey","Focus, group, discussion","Case, study, design","Qualitative, research","Quality, management","Best-practice","Behavioural, health, care","Employee, performance","Employee, assistance, programme"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Reception, theory","Development, of, the, South, African, theatre","Afrikaans, arts, festivals","Nagtegaal, prize","Dramatext","Dramatext, competitions","History, of, literature","Drama, structure","Campus, theatre","Arts, councils","Theater, --, South, Africa, --, History","Afrikaans, drama, --, Competitions","Afrikaans, drama, --, History, and, criticism","Art, festivals, --, South, Africa","Literature, --, History, and, criticism","Dissertation, (M.A., (Drama, and, Theatre, Arts))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Dissertations, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Theses, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Assignments, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Dissertations, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "Theses, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "Assignments, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "HIV/AIDS, in, the, workplace",, "Discrimination",, "Stigma, (Social, psychology)"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Thesis, (Ph.D., (Microbial,, Biochemical, and, Food, Biotechnology))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Saccharomycetaceae","Yeast, fungi, --, Genetic, engineering","Proteins, --, Synthesis","Fungal, proteins, --, Therapeutic, use","Peptides, --, Synthesis"]]
颁布单位:[University of the Free State] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Dissertation, (M.Sc., (Genetics))--University, of, the, Free, State,, 2011","Hornbills, --, South, Africa, --, Limpopo, --, Genetics","Hornbills, --, Habitat, --, South, Africa, --, Limpopo","Population, biology","Habitat, selection"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["HIV/AIDS, management",, "Dissertations, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Theses, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Assignments, --, Industrial, psychology",, "Dissertations, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "Theses, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "Assignments, --, HIV/AIDS, management",, "HIV/AIDS, in, the, workplace",, "HIV/AIDS, workplace, policies",, "HIV, positive, employees, --, Services, to"]]
颁布单位:[Stellenbosch University] |
颁布时间:2011 |
实施时间:2011 |
学科分类:[["Human, pancreas",, "Rodent, pancreas",, "Pancreas, duct, ligation, procedure, \u2013, PDL",, "Immunohistochemistry, study, of, the, PDL, tissues",, "Diabetes, Mellitus, --, Effect, of, cell, replacement, therapy, on",, "Theses, --, Anatomy",, "Theses, --, Histology",, "Dissertations, --, Anatomy",, "Dissertations, --, Histology",, "Endocrine, cell, development",, "Biomedical, Sciences., Anatomy, and, Histology"]]