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Parallel algorithms for scheduling data-graph computations
[摘要] A data-graph computation - popularized by such programming systems as Pregel, GraphLab, Galois, Ligra, PowerGraph, and GraphChi - is an algorithm that iteratively performs local updates on the vertices of a graph. During each round of a data-graph computation, a user-supplied update function atomically modifies the data associated with a vertex as a function of the vertex;;s prior data and that of adjacent vertices. A dynamic data-graph computation updates only an active subset of the vertices during a round, and those updates determine the set of active vertices for the next round. In this thesis, I explore two ways of scheduling deterministic parallel data-graph computations that provide performance guarantees culminating in theoretical contributions to graph theory and practical, high-performance systems. In particular, I describe a system called Prism which processes dynamic and static data-graph computations on arbitrary graphs using a technique called chromatic scheduling. Using a vertex-coloring to identify independent sets of vertices, which may be safely processed in parallel, Prism serializes through the colors and processes the independent sets in parallel, thus executing data-graph computations deterministically and without the use of costly atomic instructions (e.g., Compare-And-Swap). Prism supports dynamic data-graph computations deterministically and work-efficiently through the introduction of multibag and multivector data structures. Prism requires a vertex-coloring, and since graphs are generally not supplied with one, it is necessary to find one as a preprocessing step. Furthermore, the runtime of Prism is linear in the number of colors and thus motivates a study in this thesis of fast parallel coloring algorithms that provide vertex-colorings with few colors in practice. At the core of the analysis of these coloring algorithms lies a new result about the maximum depth of a random priority dag, the dag that results from randomly ordering vertices and directing edges from lower to higher numbered vertices in the order. In particular, when the largest degree [delta] in the graph G = (V,E) is less than ln !V !, I show a tight bound on the longest path: [theta](ln V / ln (e ln V / [delta])) with high probability. When [delta] is greater than ln !V!, the longest path in the dag is simply [theta] (min {[delta], [square root sign]E}) , also with high probability. I also present a system called Laika which processes data-graph computations for the special, but important, case of graphs representing physical simulations. Such graphs typically have vertices with coordinates in 3D space and are connected to other ;;nearby;; vertices. We take advantage of these two properties to execute physical simulations, cast as data-graph computations, that make efficient use of cache resources. I analyze a contrived graph construction - a random cube graph - as a proxy for the mesh graphs that arise in physical simulations: n vertices are uniformly randomly assigned positions in the unit cube and have edges connecting them to any other vertices that are within a distance r = O (V -¹/³) . For such a graph and given a cache sufficiently large to hold M vertices, I improve on previous theory to show that a fraction O(M-¹/³) of edges will connect to vertices not in the cache, whereas previous theory held that this ;;miss rate;; is O(M-¹/⁴). Laika also guarantees linear speedup for any random cube graph G = (V,E) with constant average degree for any number of workers P = O (V= lg² V).
[发布日期]  [发布机构] Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词]  [时效性] 
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