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Making Sense of Contingency Tables in Archaeology: the Aid of Correspondence Analysis to Intra-Site Activity Areas Research
[摘要] The use of contingency tables is widespread in archaeology. Cross tabulations are used in many different studies as a useful tool to syntheti cally report data, and are also useful when analyst wishes to seek for latent data structures. The latter case is when Correspondence Analysis (CA) comes into play. By graphically displaying the dependence between rows and columns, CA enables the analyst to explore the data in search of a meaningful inner structure. The article aims to show the utility of CA in archaeology in general and, in particular, for the identification of areas de voted to different activities within settlements. The application of CA to the data from a prehistoric village in north-eastern Sicily (P. Milazzese at Panarea, Aeolian Islands-Italy), taken as a case study, allows to show how CA succeeds in pinpointing different activity areas and in providing grounds to open new avenues of inquiry into other aspects of the archaeological doc umentation.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 土木及结构工程学
[关键词] Correspondence analysis;contingency tables;archaeology [时效性] 
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