A VANET Collision Warning System with Cloud Aided Pliable Q-Learning and Safety Message
[摘要] Ease of self-driving technological developments revives Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) and motivates theIntelligent Transportation System (ITS) to develop novel intelligent solutions to amplify the VANET safety and efficiency.Collision warning system plays a significant role in VANET due to the avoidance of fatalities in vehicle crashes. Differentkinds of collision warning systems have been designed for diverse VANET scenarios. Among them, reinforcement-basedmachine learning algorithms receive much attention due to the dispensable of explicit modeling about the environment.However, it is a censorious task to retrieve the Q-learning parameters from the dynamic VANET environment effectively. Tohandle such issue and safer the VANET driving environment, this paper proposes a cloud aided pliable Q-Learning basedCollision Warning Prediction and Safety message Dissemination (QCP-SD). The proposed QCP-SD integrates twomechanisms that are pliable Q-learning based collision prediction and Safety alert Message Dissemination. Firstly, thedesigning of pliable Q-learning parameters based on dynamic VANET factors with Q-learning enhances collision predictionaccuracy. Further, it estimates the novel metric named as Collision Risk Factor (CRF) and minimizes the driving risks due tovehicle crashes. The execution of pliable Q-learning only at RSUs minimizes the vehicle burden and reduces the designcomplexity. Secondly, the QCP-SD sends alerts to the vehicles in the risky region through highly efficient next-hopdisseminators selected based on a multi-attribute cost value. Moreover, the performance of QCP-SD is evaluated throughNetwork Simulator (NS-2). The efficiency is analyzed using the performance metrics that are duplicate packet, latency, packetloss, packet delivery ratio, secondary collision, throughput, and overhead.
[发布日期] [发布机构]
[效力级别] [学科分类] 计算机科学(综合)
[关键词] VANETs;collision warning system;reinforcement learning;pliable q-learning;multi-attribute cost baseddisseminator selection;reliable safety routing [时效性]