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Using Breeding Bird Survey and eBird data to improve marsh bird monitoring abundance indices and trends
[摘要] The elusive nature of many marsh-breeding birds presents a challenge for effective population monitoring. The Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (GLMMP), delivered by Birds Canada, addressed these challenges by concentrating survey efforts in marsh bird habitats and by using survey protocols aimed at maximizing marsh bird detections. GLMMP data suggest that numerous marsh bird species are declining. Here we consider the value of other avian monitoring programs to support our understanding of marsh bird population trends. Our goal was to compare the GLMMP, North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), and eBird with each other and with a combined survey, by evaluating frequency of detection, annual indices of abundance, and trend estimates. Using 23 years (1997–2019) of GLMMP, BBS, and eBird data, we calculated annual indices of abundance and trends for each survey for 18 marsh-breeding species across southern Ontario, Canada. We found that the GLMMP had more frequent detections, greater counts, and/or more precise trends for 8 species that breed almost exclusively in marshes, whereas 10 species with more variable habitat preferences had more frequent detections, greater counts, and/or more precise trends based on eBird and/or BBS. We found that combining counts from the GLMMP, BBS, and eBird increased the precision around trend estimates for 11/18 (61%) species; however, trend estimates for combined data tended to be positively biased relative to GLMMP trends for species that also frequent non-marsh habitats. We, therefore, provide evidence that combining citizen science data from multiple sources could increase the power to detect changes in marsh-dependent bird populations. Integrated datasets thus provide a promising avenue for future marsh bird conservation and management.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 口腔科学
[关键词] annual bird population indices and trends;citizen science;data integration;eBird;Marsh Monitoring Program;North American Breeding Bird Survey;secretive or elusive marsh bird;wetland bird conservation [时效性] 
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