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Cross Cultural Adaptation and Cognitive Testing of a Psycho-Social-Spiritual Healing Measure, the NIH Healing Experiences in All Life Stressors-NIH-HEALS
[摘要] Background Cancer is associated with trauma and stress which impacts the physical, psychological, and spiritual/existential well-being of patients. Psychological/behavioral healing may help alleviate this distress and the associated health-related suffering. Psycho-Social-Spiritual healing outcome measures are thus needed to stimulate service development. The NIH Healing Experiences in All Life Stressors (NIH-HEALS), is a novel 35-item measure of psycho-social-spiritual healing, developed in USA and is yet to be validated and adapted for use in African countries.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 林业科学
[关键词] NIH healing experiences in all life stressors;psycho-social-spiritual healing;cross-cultural-use-Africa [时效性] 
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