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Cross-Roll Flow Forming of ODS Alloy Heat Exchanger Tubes For Hoop Creep Enhancement
[摘要] Mechanically alloyed oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Fe-Cr-Al alloy thin walled tubes and sheets, produced via powder processing and consolidation methodologies are promising materials for eventual use at temperatures up to 1200 C in the power generation industry, far above the temperature capabilities of conventional alloys. Target end-uses range from gas turbine combustor liners to high aspect ratio (L/D) heat exchanger tubes. Grain boundary creep processes at service temperatures, particularly those acting in the hoop direction, are the dominant failure mechanisms for such components. The processed microstructure of ODS alloys consists of high aspect ratio grains aligned parallel to the tube axis, a result of dominant axial metal flow which aligns the dispersoid particles and other impurities in the longitudinal direction. The dispersion distribution is unaltered on a micro scale by recrystallization thermal treatments, but the high aspect ratio grain shape typically obtained limits transverse grain spacing and consequently the hoop creep response. Improving hoop creep in ODS-alloy components will require understanding and manipulating the factors that control the recrystallization behavior, and represents a critical materials design and development challenge that must be overcome in order to fully exploit the potential of ODS alloys. The objectives of this program were to (1) increase creep-strength at temperature in ODS-alloy tube and liner components by 100% via, (2) preferential cross-roll flow forming and grain/particle fibering in the critical hoop direction. The research program outlined was iterative and intended to systematically (i) examine and identify post-extrusion forming methodologies to create hoop strengthened tubes, to be (ii) evaluated at 'in-service' loads at service temperatures and environments. Our report outlines the significant hoop creep enhancements possible via secondary cross-rolling and/or flow-forming operations. Each of the secondary processes i.e. hot rotary forming and ambient-temperature flow forming exhibited improvement over the base-line hoop-creep performance. The flow formed MA956 tubes exhibited performance superior to all other rolling/forming variants. At the conclusion of this program 2ksi creep-test exposure for flow formed materials exceeded 7300 hours, 7694 hours and 4200 hours for creep tests operating at 950 C, 975 C and 1000 C respectively. The Larsen-Miller parameter for these improvised flow-formed tubes now exceeds 54.14, i.e., better than ever recorded previously. The creep performance enhancement in cross-rolled MA956 material samples versus the base creep property is elucidated. At least 2-3 orders of magnitude of improvement in creep rates/day and concomitant increases in creeplife are demonstrated for the flow formed tubes versus the base reference tests.
[发布日期] 2007-09-30 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 材料科学(综合)
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