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Remediation of Deep Vadose Zone Radionuclide and Metal Contamination: Status and Issues
[摘要] This report documents the results of a PNNL literature review to report on the state of maturity of deep vadose zone remediation technologies for metal contaminants including some radionuclides. Its recommendations feed into decisionmakers need for scientific information and cost-effective in situ remediation technlogies needed under DOE's Environmental Management initiative Enhanced Remediation Methods: Scientific & Technical Basis for In Stu Treatment Systems for Metals and Radionuclides.
[发布日期] 2008-12-30 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 环境科学(综合)
[关键词] CONTAMINATION;RADIOISOTOPES;METALS;REMEDIAL ACTION;RECOMMENDATIONS;IN-SITU PROCESSING;TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT remediation strategies;in situ treatment;deep vadose zone;technetium-99;uranium;chromium;mercury;plutonium;strontium-90 [时效性] 
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