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High Efficiency Low Cost CO2 Compression Using Supersonic Shock Wave Technology
[摘要] Development and testing results from a supersonic compressor are presented. The compressor achieved record pressure ratio for a fully-supersonic stage and successfully demonstrated the technology potential. Several tasks were performed in compliance with the DOE award objectives. A high-pressure ratio compressor was retrofitted to improve rotordynamics behavior and successfully tested. An outside review panel confirmed test results and design approach. A computational fluid dynamics code used to analyze the Ramgen supersonic flowpath was extensively and successfully modified to improve use on high-performance computing platforms. A comprehensive R&D implementation plan was developed and used to lay the groundwork for a future full-scale compressor demonstration. Conceptual design for a CO2 demonstration compressor was developed and reviewed.
[发布日期] 2010-12-31 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 电力
[关键词] supersonic compression;shock waves;Rampressor;CO2 compression;high-performance computing [时效性] 
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