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Governmental Decree No. 158 of 2009 (VII. 30.) Korm. regarding the application for the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products, foodstuffs and spirit drinks, and the control of these products.
[摘要] The provisions of this Decree must be applied to: the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products, foodstuffs and spirit drinks (hereafter: products); the control of these products and of the use of geographical indications. This Decree does not apply to wine and other wine products, except for wine vinegar. Article 2 establishes the Hungarian Council for Origin Protection, which is a consultative body of the Ministry of Rural Development and has proposal-making power during
[发布日期] 2013-07-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Certification;Data collection/reporting;Food quality control/food safety;Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;Institution;Offences/penalties;Registration [时效性] 
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