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Agriculture Law No.5488.
[摘要] The purpose of this Law is to determine agricultural sector and rural area development plans and strategies in line with the policies and regulations supporting agricultural development. The Law defines the principles, objectives and priorities of agricultural policies, training and advisory services for farmers, protection of biodiversity and genetic resources; and ensuring biosecurity and biosafety. The Law states that the agricultural policies are aiming at improving welfare level in the agri
[发布日期] 2006-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 林业科学
[关键词] Basic legislation;Agricultural development;Policy/planning;Biodiversity;Biosafety;Biosecurity;Business/industry/corporations;Ecological production/organic production;Food security;Cooperative/producer organization;Pastoralism;Protection of environment;Food quality control/food safety;Afforestation/reforestation;Erosion;Agro-forestry [时效性] 
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