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Order No. 118/2018 establishing the operation regime 3.1.2 «Young farmers investment on the agricultural holding», included in action 3.1 «Young farmers» of measure 3, «Valorisation of agricultural production» of the Mainland's Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020).
[摘要] This Order establishes the operation regime 3.1.2 «Young farmers investment on the agricultural holding», included in action 3.1 «Young farmers» of measure 3, «Valorisation of agricultural production» of the Mainland's Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020). Planned support pursues the following objectives: a) fostering the renewal and rejuvenation of agricultural enterprises and the agro-industrial production structure, enhancing creation, innovation, food quality and safety, production of good
[发布日期] 2018-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Agricultural development;Subsidy/incentive;Rural youth;Smallholders/peasants;Financial agricultural measures;Sustainable development;Food security;Food quality control/food safety [时效性] 
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