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Resolution No. 118 of 2016 of Georgian Government on Labeling of Beef and Beef Products
[摘要] The Resolution provides for technical rules for labeling beef and beef products. It consists of 10 articles: General Provisions (1); Purpose and scope of application (2); Definition of terms (3); General requirements for labeling (4); Requirements for labeling beef (5); Forming batches of beef (6); Requirements for labeling of ground beef (7); Requirements for labeling of beef trimming (8); Requirements for labeling of chopped packaged beef (9); and Requirements for labeling of chopped unpackage
[发布日期] 2017-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Agricultural commodities;Business/industry/corporations;Consumer protection;Food quality control/food safety;Packaging/labelling;Meat;Traceability/product tracing;Public health;Cattle [时效性] 
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