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Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 46/2018 approving the National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Food Waste.
[摘要] This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves in Annex the National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Food Waste. In accordance with Order No. 14202-B/2016, the National Commission for Combating Food Waste (CNCDA) has the task of promoting the reduction of food waste through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, responsible for the designing of the National Strategy to Combat Food Waste (ENCDA) and the Action Plan to Combat Food Waste (PACDA), to be submitted to the Minister of A
[发布日期] 2018-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 环境科学(综合)
[关键词] Policy/planning;Hygiene/sanitary procedures;Food security;Food quality control/food safety;Food waste;Institution;Poverty;Waste management;Organic waste;Recycling/reuse;Waste disposal;Waste domestic sources [时效性] 
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