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Decree 113 of 2013 (XII. 10.) VM of the Minsitry of Rural Development regulating the kindergarten and school milk program.
[摘要] This Decree in line with EU norms, foresees a contribution to be granted to a wide range of educational institutes (kindergarten to secondary schools, and special schools for handicapped students as well) for the distribution of an average quantity of 0,25 liter of milk per student or an equivalent quantity of certain dairy products. Further provisions rule the application procedure for contribution and contracting between providers and school management, maximize purchase prices, and foresee a
[发布日期] 2014-03-16 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;Milk/dairy products;Food security;Nutrition;Subsidy/incentive [时效性] 
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