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Decision No. 883 of the Commission of Customs Union validating Technical Regulation on safety of fat-and-oil products.
[摘要] This Decision establishes that compliance certificates for fat-and-oil products issued prior to the validation of this Technical Regulation shall be valid until expiry date but not over than 15 February 2015 and manufacturing, processing and circulation of fat-and-oil products shall be authorized until 15 February 2015 on condition of availability of compliance certificate. The aforesaid products shall be labelled in accordance with the national legislation. Labelling of fat-and-oil products wit
[发布日期] 2013-07-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Food quality control/food safety;Oils/oilseeds/fats;Certification;Packaging/labelling [时效性] 
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