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Agriculture Law No.13 of 2015.
[摘要] This Law consisting of 73 articles divided in XIV Sections aims at re-organizing agriculture sector in the Kingdom of Jordan. The Ministry of Agriculture shall regulate, organize and develop the agriculture field in order to: increase the production of food and foodstuffs; use of natural and agricultural resources without damaging the environment; create of suitable conditions for investing in agricultural sectors and rural development; increase the production capacity; increase farmer’s incomes
[发布日期] 2015-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 林业科学
[关键词] Basic legislation;Agricultural development;Apiculture/sericulture;Authorization/permit;Irrigation;Desertification;Risk assessment/management;Cooperative/producer organization;Public health;Internal trade;International trade;Processing/handling;Inspection;Sustainable use;Certification;Fishing authorization;Food quality control/food safety;Private forest;Forestry protection measures;Grazing/transhumance;Planting material/seeds;Quarantine;Slaughtering;Poultry;Animal feed/feedstuffs;Drugs;Fertilizers/nutrients;Pesticides;Waste management;Wild fauna;Hunting/capture;Protection of species [时效性] 
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