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Regulation on the method of monitoring over the zoonoses and zoonotic agents.
[摘要] This Regulation sets the rules aimed to identify the contagious diseases deriving from zoonosis/zoonoses group, the method of monitoring Over the zoonoses and zoonotic agents (virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite or other biological agent that could be the cause of zoonosis), and methods for the reporting on such infectious diseases (zoonosis group, infectious disease that can be transferred from animals to humans and vice versa).
[发布日期] 2017-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 农业科学(综合)
[关键词] Food quality control/food safety;Animal health;Pests/diseases;Monitoring;Hygiene/sanitary procedures [时效性] 
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