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Food Labelling Act (Act No. 70 of 2013).
[摘要] The purposes of the present Act are, in light of the important role that food labelling plays in ensuring the safety of ingestion of food and securing the opportunity to make an autonomous and rational choice of food, to ensure proper food labelling by establishing standards and specifying other necessary information regarding labelling of food that is intended for sale (including assignment other than sale to unspecified or numerous persons), thereby promoting the interests of general consumers
[发布日期] 2013-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 食品科学和技术
[关键词] Food quality control/food safety;Hygiene/sanitary procedures;Packaging/labelling;Public health;Standards;Internal trade;Consumer protection;Enforcement/compliance;Offences/penalties [时效性] 
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