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Ministerial Decree No. 117 validating the Regulation on submittal of objections and applications to the Board of appeal of the State Service on Intellectual Property.
[摘要] This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of submittal of objections and applications to the Board of appeal of the State Service on Intellectual Property related to protection of intellectual property rights and selection achievements. It also establishes the sphere of competence of this state institution. Objections can be forwarded against the following actions: (a) refusal of registration or issuance of patents related to selection achievements; (b) refusal of registration of a trad
[发布日期] 2010-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 农业科学(综合)
[关键词] Institution;Intellectual property rights/patents;Registration;Traceability/product tracing [时效性] 
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