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Regional Act No. 16 laying down provisions on the gathering, cultivation, marketing and protection of consumption of truffles
[摘要] This Act lays down provisions to govern the gathering, the cultivation and the placing on the market of truffles (fresh or conserved) intended for human consumption. Only truffles belonging to the species mentioned in Act No. 752 of 1985 may be destined to human consumption. The gathering and cultivation of truffles shall be subject to a special permit (arts. 12 and 13). The Regional Council shall be in charge of the definition of the certification and traceability system as regards truffles pro
[发布日期] 2003-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 林业科学
[关键词] Food quality control/food safety;Vegetables/legumes;Authorization/permit;Internal trade;Offences/penalties;Non-timber products;Collecting/harvesting [时效性] 
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