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Government Decree No. 600 validating the Regulation on the National Food Safety Agency.
[摘要] This Government Decree regulates mission, spheres of activity, functions and rights of the National Food Safety Agency, and organization of its activities. The Agency is the central administrative authority in the subordination Government, implementing the policy of the state in the areas entrusted thereto. The mission of the Agency shall be to ensure the implementation of state policies in areas aimed at guaranteeing food safety, and also the quality of food, including ethyl alcohol, alcohol pr
[发布日期] 2018-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 农业科学(综合)
[关键词] Institution;Policy/planning;Food quality control/food safety;Viticulture/oenological practices;Consumer protection;Enforcement/compliance;Animal health;Animal feed/feedstuffs;Plant protection [时效性] 
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