Design realization towards the qualification test of ITER cold circulator
[摘要] Cold circulators, part of ITER Cryo-distribution system, have now reached to a stage of final qualification to demonstrate the design to cater the maximum mass flow and operational demands of the toroidal field (TF) superconducting magnet of ITER with a very high isentropic efficiency. The design for the two numbers of TF cold circulators are now complete gratifying additionally the operational requirements of poloidal field & central solenoid superconducting magnet as well as the cryopumps towards the fulfilment of standardization aspects. Management of physical and functional interfaces has been identified as one the most critical aspect towards the performance of cold circulator. All the interfaces of cold circulators have been analysed with the help of optimized interfacing parameters of Test Auxiliary Cold Box (TACB) and cryogenic test facility at JAEA, Japan during the course of design finalization. Testing at the warm conditions after completion of precise manufacturing of cold circulators has been performed before integrating into the TACB to fulfil the Japanese as well as European regulatory requirements simultaneously. The paper elaborates the methodology of interface management and control, analysis performed towards the interface management and preliminary test results towards the qualification test of the ITER cold circulator.
[发布日期] [发布机构] ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat, Gandhinagar; 382 428, India^1
[效力级别] 物理学 [学科分类] 材料科学(综合)
[关键词] Cryogenic test facility;Distribution systems;Functional interface;Interface management;Interfacing parameters;Isentropic efficiency;Operational requirements;Regulatory requirements [时效性]