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Application of foam-extend on turbulent fluid-structure interaction
[摘要] Turbulent flow around flexible structures is likely to induce structural vibrations which may eventually lead to fatigue failure. In order to assess the fatigue life of these structures, it is necessary to take the action of the flow on the structure into account, but also the influence of the vibrating structure on the fluid flow. This is achieved by performing fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations. In this work, we have investigated the capability of a FSI toolkit for the finite volume computational fluid dynamics software foam-extend to simulate turbulence-induced vibrations of a flexible structure. A large-eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model has been implemented to a basic FSI problem of a flexible wall which is placed in a confined, turbulent flow. This problem was simulated for 2.32 seconds. This short simulation required over 200 computation hours, using 20 processor cores. Thereby, it has been shown that the simulation of FSI with LES is possible, but also computationally demanding. In order to make turbulent FSI simulations with foam-extend more applicable, more sophisticated turbulence models and/or faster FSI iteration schemes should be applied.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science, University of Stavanger, Norway^1
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 计算机科学(综合)
[关键词] Computational Fluid Dynamics software;Fatigue failures;Iteration schemes;Processor cores;Structural vibrations;Turbulence-induced vibration;Turbulent fluids;Vibrating structures [时效性] 
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