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Efficient biostorage below _150 °C, without sacrificial cryogen
[摘要] Biostorage is a multi-billion dollar business worldwide and growing rapidly; yet the commercially available options force the user to choose either optimal storage temperature (below -137 7deg;C, the "glass transition temperature" of water) or convenience (no cryogen refill). Passive liquid-nitrogen freezers (storage Dewars with liquid nitrogen pooled at the bottom) provide very cold storage (-190 7deg;C) but the LN2 must be replenished as it boils off. The alternative, so-called "ultra-low" vapor-compression freezers, have no cryogens to replenish and are convenient to use, but only reach storage temperatures above -90 7deg;C. In addition, these tend to be inefficient and costly. Chart Industries is introducing a novel combination of a storage Dewar with a cryocooler (the "Fusion" freezer), that can maintain storage temperatures below -150 7deg;C without the need to replenish any cryogen, while drawing less electricity than any ultra-low on the market. This new product also fits into a relatively narrow "demand window" where on-site cryocooling is not merely more convenient, but also more costeffective than liquid nitrogen delivery.
[发布日期]  [发布机构] Chart Industries, 302 10th Street, Troy; NY; 12180, United States^1
[效力级别] 物理学 [学科分类] 材料科学(综合)
[关键词] Cryocoolers;Cryocooling;Storage temperatures;Vapor compression [时效性] 
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