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Legislative Decree No. 287 amending Legislative Decree No. 300 of 30 July 1999 concerning the Ministries’ organizational structure as well as functions and tasks belonging to the Ministry of the Environment
[摘要] The present Legislative Decree amends certain provisions of Legislative Decree No. 300 of 1999 as regards the institutional organization at ministerial level. In particular, articles 3 and 4 make new provision with respect to the functions, tasks and duties of the Ministry of the Environment, which was set up by Act No. 349 of 1986. The Ministry of the Environment shall exercise all those functions which fall within the competence of the central Government and which are connected with the protec
[发布日期] 2003-01-14 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Institution;Pollution control;Biodiversity [时效性] Effective
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