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Act on the Greenland Oil Spill Response (No. 4 of 2012).
[摘要] Naalakkersuisut municipality has founded the independent company Greenland Oil Spill Response A/S which purpose is to operate on a commercial basis on oil pollution preparedness, environmental clean-up after oil spills and other related activities within the mining area of Greenland. This company shall help the establishment on the operation and expansion of an oil spill preparedness of raw materials. Its board of directors is formed by experts in management of mining activities, oil pollution p
[发布日期] 2012-07-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Basic legislation;Hazardous substances;Ecosystem preservation;Monitoring;Marine pollution;Mining;Non-governmental entity;Oil pollution;Pollution control;Business/industry/corporations;Soil rehabilitation [时效性] Effective
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