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Lower Austria Building Law 1996.
[摘要] The present Ordinance implements the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources of 23 April 2009. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.
[发布日期] 1997-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Energy conservation/energy production;Renewable energy;Enforcement/compliance;Offences/penalties;Pollution control;Environmental security;Public health;Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes;Noise pollution;Procedural matters;Land-use planning;Land tenure;Subdivision of land;Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;Local government;Inspection;Authorization/permit;Size [时效性] Effective
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