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Decree No. 347 of 2006 (XII. 23.) of the Government regarding the appointment of authorities responsible for environment protection, nature conservation and water management activities.
[摘要] This Decree sets out the competences of state administration bodies with regard to environment protection, nature conservation and water management. The Minister of Rural Development supervises the National Inspectorate for Environmental and Nature Protection and Water Management and its local offices, the National Institute of Environmental Affairs and the National Park Directorate. The Minsiter of Interior controls the National Water Authority and its local offices. It appoints also the admini
[发布日期] 2013-02-26 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;Governance;Freshwater resources management;Inland waters;Public water;Management/conservation;National parks [时效性] Effective
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