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Act on Promoting the Treatment of Marine Debris Affecting the Conservation of Good Coastal Landscapes and Environments to Protect Natural Beauty and Variety (No. 82 of 2009).
[摘要] The purpose of this Act is to provide basic principles for measures required for the smooth treatment of marine debris and control of its generation and to clarify the responsibilities of the national and local governments, business entities, etc. while setting out the basic policy and other necessary matters for promoting measures against articles that drift ashore in order to contribute to ensuring the lives are healthy and cultured. In light of the fact that articles that drift ashore drift o
[发布日期] 2011-10-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Ecosystem preservation;Protection of habitats;Marine area;Marine pollution;Coastal zone management;Processing/handling;Waste disposal;Waste management;Waste prevention;Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution [时效性] Effective
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