Order No. 74 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology validating the Regulation on the requirements for the content of the program of industrial environmental control, the procedure and deadlines for submitting a report on the organization and the results of the implementation of industrial environmental control.
[摘要] This Order validates the Program of industrial environmental control that shall be developed and approved by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing economic and (or) other activities in Category I, II and III facilities (high, moderate and insignificant environmental impact), for each facility, taking into account its category, technologies and features of the production process, as well as the negative impact on the environment. Legal persons and individual entrepreneurs subject
[发布日期] 2018-01-01 [发布机构]
[效力级别] [学科分类]
[关键词] Emissions;Air quality/air pollution;Data collection/reporting;Access-to-information;Classification/declassification;Registration;Waste domestic sources;Waste non-domestic sources [时效性] Effective