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Ordinance by the governing Council relating to environmental legislation.
[摘要] The present Ordinance implements the Federal Environment Protection Act of 7 October 1983. In particular, article 1 establishes that the Environment Office of the Canton Thurgau is responsible for the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Federal Act. Furthermore, the Environment Office shall inform the public properly about issues of environment protection and the state of environmental pollution. The text consists of 45 articles divided into 10 Parts as follows: General prov
[发布日期] 2011-12-31 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Pollution control;Hazardous substances;Air quality/air pollution;Tax/levy;Soil pollution/quality;Noise pollution;Radiation;Local government;Enforcement/compliance;Offences/penalties [时效性] Effective
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