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Decree No. 90 of 2009 (IV.26.) of the Government laying down rules of prevention and remedy of environmental damage.
[摘要] Provisions of this Decree shall be applied to surface and underground waters, to geological media, to species and their habitats falling under EU Directive No. 79/409 and EU directive No. 92/43, to protected and intensively protected species, to Natura 2000 areas and to national protected areas. This Decree lays down provisions regarding measures aimed at the prevention of damages to the environment and for the restoration of the environment, response planning, exploration and classification of
[发布日期] 2014-03-15 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Early warning system/emergency intervention system;Groundwater;Pollution control;Protected area;Protection of habitats;Surface water;Classification/declassification;Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;Inland waters;Risk assessment/management;Wetlands;National parks;Protection of species;Wild fauna;Wild flora [时效性] Effective
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