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Regulation on environmental fees.
[摘要] The present Regulation of the Council of Ministers, which is composed of 11 paragraphs and two Annexes, establishes fee rates for: gases and dusts introduced into air (specified in Annex 1); substances introduced with sewage into water or land; cooling water introduced into water or land; placing wastes on storage (specified in Annex 2); groundwater collection; inland surface water collection; water from contaminated surfaces introduced into water or land; increase of weight of fish other than s
[发布日期] 2006-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Environmental fees/charges;Air quality/air pollution;Soil pollution/quality;Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;Groundwater [时效性] Effective
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