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Law No. 33/2013/QH13 on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control.
[摘要] This Law, consisting of 47 articles divided into six Chapters, provides for natural disaster prevention and control activities; rights and obligations of agencies, organizations, households and individuals engaged in natural disaster prevention and control activities; and the state management of, and assurance of resources for, natural disaster prevention and control. The basic principles of the natural disaster prevention and control are: 1. Proactive prevention, timely response to, and urgent
[发布日期] 2014-05-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Basic legislation;Disasters;Flood;Soil conservation/soil improvement;Desertification;Risk assessment/management;Early warning system/emergency intervention system;Gender and natural resources;Climate change;Sustainable development [时效性] Effective
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