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Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Program Regulation (Alta. Reg. 226/2013).
[摘要] The present Regulations is made under the Environment Protection and Enhancement Act. Section 2 of the above-mentioned Regulation establishes the Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Programme consisting of the Joint Canada/Alberta Oil Sands Monitoring Implementation Programme, established by Ministerial Order 25/2013 made by the Minister pursuant to section 8 of the Government Organization Act. This Programme strengthens environmental monitoring programmes for air, water, land and biodiversity in
[发布日期] 2019-01-31 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Monitoring;Pollution control;Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;Air quality/air pollution;Soil pollution/quality;Protection of habitats;Enforcement/compliance;Access right [时效性] Effective
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