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Act No. CXVI of 1996 on atomic energy.
[摘要] The purpose of this Act is to ensure: the peaceful use of atomic energy in industrial, agricultural, health-care and scientific activities, taking into account the risks it may represent to human life and to nature; that national security rules are in conformity with international standards; the protection of the population and the environment against the hazardous effects of ionizing radiation. This Act provides also for administrative duties and obligations of atomic energy users and of the in
[发布日期] 2014-01-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Authorization/permit;Certification;Data collection/reporting;Early warning system/emergency intervention system;Energy conservation/energy production;Registration;Special fund;Transport/storage;Royalties/fees;Liability/compensation;Radiation;Pollution control;Hazardous waste;Polluter pays principle;Precautionary principle [时效性] Effective
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