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Decree No. 142 of the Ministry of Public Health validating the Regulation on safety requirements related to radiation safety of staff and the population in the process of radioactive waste management.
[摘要] These mandatory Sanitary rules and regulations set forth radiation safety requirements related to radiation safety of staff and the population in the process of radioactive waste management. Radioactive waste shall be classified as liquid, solid and gaseous. In relation to radiation level radioactive waste shall be classified as very low active, low active, medium active and high active. Collection of radioactive waste shall be performed separately from non-radioactive waste. Discharge of liquid
[发布日期] 2016-02-01 [发布机构] 
[效力级别]  [学科分类] 
[关键词] Radiation;Hazardous substances;Hazardous waste;Waste management;Waste non-domestic sources;Classification/declassification [时效性] Effective
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