We havemeasured inclusive electron-scatteringcross sections fortargets of ^(4)He, C, Al, Fe, and Au, for kinematics spanning thequasi-elastic peak, withsquared, four momentum transfers (q^2) between 0.23 and 2.89 (GeV/c)^2. Additional datawere measured forFe with q^2's upto 3.69 (GeV/c)^2 These cross sections were analyzed for the y-scaling behavior expected from a simple, impulse-approximation model, and are found to approach a scaling limit at the highest q^2's. The q^2 approach to scaling is compared with a calculation for infinite nuclear matter, and relationships betweenthe scaling function andnucleonmomentum distributions are discussed. Deviations fromperfect scaling are usedto setlimits on possible changes in the size of nucleons inside the nucleus.