A recirculating charge-coupled device structure hasbeen devised. Entrance and exit gates allow a signal to beadmitted, recirculated a given number of times, and thenexamined. In this way a small device permits simulationof a very long shift register without passing the signalthrough input and output diffusions. An oscilloscopemotion picture demonstrating degradation of an actualcirculating signal has been made. The performance of thedevice in simulating degradation of a signal by a very longshift register is well fit by a simple model based ontransfer inefficiency.
Electrical properties of the mercury selenide onn-type chemically-cleaned silicon Schottky barrier havebeen studied. Barrier heights measured were 0.96 voltsfor the photoresponse technique and 0.90 volts for thecurrent-voltage technique. These are the highest barriersyet reported on n-type silicon.